Technology In Ministry

In this column, I will cover the various technologies used in ministry.  We will look into the Apple vs PC debate, the best WiFi practices, when to use fiber instead of copper cabling, video streaming, audio systems, server vs cloud computing, and many other areas of technology as they relate to churches.  I am open to suggestions for topics, so send me an email.

Technology is a tool that ministries can use to achieve their goals.  Pastors and church leaders may be trained in hermeneutics and homiletics but were never trained in the use of technology.  Many churches have developed a fear or disdain for technology.  I hope to help you leverage technology so that you can become more effective at what God has called you to do.

Different ministries will require different technologies.   When building a house, you have many different types of workers.  Some are carpenters, some are plumbers, some are electricians, etc.  Each will have tools specific to the type of work they are doing.  In the same way, different ministries, all working for God’s kingdom, may need different tools to help them do the work they are called to do. 

I love God and I love His bride, the Church.  I want to use the gifts He has given me to further His kingdom.  I have a Bachelor of Science in Technology.  I am a Novell Certified Netware Engineer and a Microsoft Certified Professional.  I have operated a computer consulting business for the last 34 years helping small to medium-sized businesses and ministries with technology.  I also have an Associate in Religion from Fruitland Baptist Bible College.  I have been a Youth Pastor, a church treasurer, a deacon, and have served on various church committees.  My family and I have organized a ministry in Nicaragua where we taught Bible Studies to youth.  I currently volunteer at my church most Sundays either running streaming sound, running the camera system, or running ProPresenter.  While I wish I could offer my services to all churches for free, I have a family to feed.